Our patrimonial collection is the result of years of acquisitions and donations of paintings, drawings, engravings and sculptures. It is worth mentioning the work donated by the painter Maria Vich, which currently amounts to a total of 750 artworks, which since 2004 are permanently exhibited at our headquarter in Felanitx, along with a selection of the contemporary collection of our artistic heritage.


It has been 22 years since the renowned musical corporation joined its destiny to ours, taking the name of Mallorca, and that of the Barceló Foundation, to prestigious concert halls presenting its extensive repertoire.

Consolidated as a musical reference with recognised prestige under the direction of José María Moreno since 1999, the Capella Mallorquina has around 80 members, and in these years its number of performances is close to a thousand and it has a repertoire of more than 800 works. Its musical activity includes concerts of sacred music, with a diversity of styles and musical periods in which the Capella has the collaboration of important conductors, soloists and orchestras, both national and international.

Capella Mallorquina
Capella Mallorquina

Do you want to know them better?

Kiran Roselló

Loan to honour

The Competition and the Youth Orchestral Encounters organised by our Foundation in 2018 and 2019, aimed to enhance the musical talent of young musicians in Mallorca, through intensive orchestral practice workshops implementing or applying the Abreu System of Orchestras of Venezuela.

During the celebration of the I Felanitx music competition (2018), the Barceló Foundation met Kiran Rosselló, a young violinist with great talent who thanks to the help of our Foundation has been able to access higher studies at the Royal Conservatory of Music in Madrid, where he is described by his teachers as "young promise" for his excellent qualifications.